
gebouw: M+, Hoorn 131
2404 HH Alphen aan den Rijn
telefoon 0172-421174
galerie 0172-419205

M. 06-53396764
F. 0172-438066
E. helga@galeriehelgahofman.nl

donderdag 12:00-17:00
zaterdag 11:00-17:00 en op afspraak

   De Galerie           

Unforgettable views, een unieke expositie

Anutosh heeft deze winter Nederland vertegenwoordigd op de 11e Biënnale van Caïro. Daaruit is het idee geboren om hem gastcurator te laten zijn voor deze bijzondere tentoonstelling. Hij heeft deze twee meest tot de verbeelding sprekende egyptische kunstschilders uitgenodigd om samen in Nederland, in onze galerie, deze tentoonstelling te maken. Essam Marouf deelde de tentoonstellingsruimte Horizon One met Anutosh in Cairo. Hij maakt momenteel met zijn ingetogen vrouwenportretten furore in zowel Europa als het Midden Oosten. Adel El Siwi heeft voor zijn gehele oeuvre de grote Biënnale prijs gewonnen en is een hele bekende nog levende egyptische schilder. Van hem laten we kleine gemengde technieken op papier zien.
Anutosh (1970)

uses paint as such, both in the ways it behaves as a substance and in the contrasts between those behaviours, that creates a feeling of space; in some places it is the brushstrokes themselves that create the sculptural effect. And whatever realities are evoked by the forms that pass before our eyes – one viewer will see creatures of the deep sea, another a world of microorganisms, the third the mushrooms of an autumnal forest – in the end, most of them are not really depicted at all. Paradoxically, while the paintings are concrete or purely abstract, very few people will think of them as a mere play of forms. The paradox has to do with Anutosh’s fascination with painting as a world of visual and tactile possibilities, all these similarities in atmosphere and form are as logical as they are mysterious and Anutosh’s work is always imbued with that miraculous unity.

Essam Marouf (1958)

studied painting from 1976 to 1981 at Faculty of Fine Arts, in Cairo, and from 1982 to 1985 at Accademia di Bella Arte, in Roma where he was inspired by the Renaissance art. He is represented by Mashrabia Gallery in Cairo, and he has shown his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions across the world, at venues that include Galerie Helga Hofman in the Netherlands 2009,11th Cairo biennale 2008, L’Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris 2008, Art Amsterdam 2008 NL, Artparis-Abu Dhabi 2008, and Museum Complesso del Vittoriano in Rome 2007. “Painting...a magnificent medium to express myself... A magnificent way to build, in all freedom, my own and different world. With minimalism in form and colour, I try to give my paintings inner power and spiritual energy. These are the two factors that give paintings - in my eyes - their inconceivable power. This manner of seeing painting began over 25 years ago, when, while studying in Italy, I saw and fell in love with the work of the great masters, Giotto and Piero della Francesca.”

Adel El-Siwi (1952)

studied medicine at Cairo University and emigrated to Europe and North America. He returned to Egypt to consider a serious career as a painter reinspired by the artistic achievement of his homeland. El-Siwi’s first major showing of his art was in 1985 at the Cairo Atelier. Since the 1980s he has had solo exhibitions in Egypt, Germany, Lebanon and Italy. He has also participated in group exhibitions as far across the globe as Brazil and Mexico. Outside of his painting career El-Siwi has translated Leonard da Vinci’s Treatise on Painting into Arabic, worked as a film art-director and written about contemporary art. Since 1996 he has been involved in a community arts project in Old Cairo initiating and participating in the projections of his work onto historical building in Kom Ghorab, Cairo, Egypt (1996) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1996). His art becomes a commentary on the disillusionment caused by political corruption and state control, and an inspiration for individuals to regain consciousness of their communities.

© Copyright Helga Hofman 1995 - 2009, the Netherlands

© Copyright Helga Hofman 1995 - 2011,
the Netherlands
Potsdamer Gruppe 2020
Positions Berlin Art Fair sept 2020
PAN Amsterdam 2019
Art on Paper Amsterdam
Die Potsdamer Jahre
Kunst Rai Amsterdam 2019
Expositie Pan Amsterdam 2018
Expositie Sylvia Blickman en
Ruben Terlou
Expositie Joncquil und Warffemius
Expositie Carin Scholten
Expositie Kunstrai 2018
Expositie Potsdam 2018
Expositie PAN Amsterdam
Expositie Kunstrai november 2017
Expositie Armando
Expositie Anutosh maart 2017
Expositie Pan Amsterdam nov 2016
Expositie Art The Hague 2016
Expositie Armando Udo Dziersk, Joze Ciuha Potsdam
Art The Hague 2015
Into The Shadows 13|09 - 24|10 - 2015
Kunstrai 2015 27.05 t/m 31.05
Hubertus von der Goltz
expositie 3 mei 2015
Un Art De Famille
expostie 1 februari 2015
PAN Amsterdam
23-30 november 2014
Kunstrai 2014 04.06 t/m 09.06
Jan Commandeur - expositie Freitag 25 april 2014
Essam Marouf - expositie van 26 januari t/m 15 maart 2014
Van der Vegt 14 december 2013
PAN Amsterdam 24 november t/m
1 december 2013
Kunstrai 2013 15.05 -> 20.05.2013
Armando 24 maart t/m 2 mei 2013
Krikor Momdjian 16 december 2012 t/m 26 januari 2013
PAN Amsterdam 18-25 november 2012
Expositie Udo Dziersk 14 oktober 2012 t/m 1 december 2012
Expositie Jeroen Blok en Van der Vegt 29 juli 2012 t/m 25 augustus 2012
Kunstrai 2012 30.05 -> 03.06.12
Expositie 22 april t/m 26 april 2012 Frank van Hemert en Rieja van Aart
Organic architecture - Anutosh - Detlef Waschkau: expositie van 12 februari t/m 17 maart 2012
Armando - Jože ciuha - Jan Montyn - Sylvia Blickman - Michel van Overbeeke
expositie van 17 december t/m 28 januari 2012
His & Hers Expositie van 6 nov t/m 10 dec 2011 Mathias Deutsch Eva Schwab Hans Könings
Essam Marouf Expositie van 18 september t/m 22 oktober 2011
Zomergasten-Sommergäste IV: Expositie van 17 juli t/m 27 augustus 2011
Nelson Carrilho - Saskia Pfaeltzer - Anja Vosdingh Bessem
Expositie van 22 mei t/m 2 Juli 2011
Marian Plug, Willeke van Tijn, Gerbrand Volger:
Expositie van 10 april t/m 14 mei 2011
Rudy Lanjouw: Expositie van 27 februari t/m 2 april 2011  ( Rudy Lanjouw )
Potsdamer Gruppe: Expositie van 21 november 2010 t/m 15 januari 2011
Michel van Overbeeke: Expositie van 26 september t/m 6 november 2010
Zomergasten-Sommergäste III: Expositie van 18 juli t/m 28 augustus 2010
Art Amsterdam 2010: Expositie van 26 mei t/m 30 mei 2010
Henk Speth: Expositie van 28 maart t/m 8 mei 2010
Jan Commandeur: Expositie van 28 februari t/m 24 maart 2010
Jože ciuha: Expositie van 29 november t/m 2 januarie 2010
Anne Semler: Expositie van 25 oktober t/m 21 november 2009
Volker März: Expositie 13 september 2009
Zomergasten II: Expositie van 19 juli t/m 29 augustus 2009
Art Amsterdam 2009: Expositie van 13 mei t/m 17 mei 2009
Unforgettable views: Expositie van 24 mei t/m 28 juni 2009